
Commodity Derivatives Wholesale

Derivatives as a tool for managing risk first originated in the commodities markets. They were then found useful as a hedging tool in financial markets as well. In India, trading in commodity futures has been in existence from the nineteenth Wholesale century with organised trading in cotton through the establishment of Cotton Trade Association in 1875. Over a period of time, other commodities were permitted to be traded in futures exchanges. Regulatory constraints in 1960s resulted in virtual dismantling of the commodities future markets. It is only in the last decade that commodity future exchanges have been actively encouraged. However, the markets have been thin with poor liquidity and have not grown to any significant level. In this chapter we look at how commodity derivatives differ from financial derivatives. We also have a brief look at the global commodity markets and the commodity markets that exist in India.Difference between commodity and financial derivativesThe basic concept of a derivative contract remains the same whether the underlying happens to be a commodity or a financial asset. However there are some features which are very peculiar to commodity derivative markets. In the case of financial derivatives, most of these contracts are cash settled. Even in the case of physical settlement, financial assets are not bulky and do not need special facility for storage. Due to the bulky nature of the underlying assets, physical settlement in commodity derivatives creates the need for warehousing. Similarly, the concept of varying quality of asset does not really exist as far as financial underlyings are concerned. However in the case of commodities, the quality of the asset underlying a contract can vary largely. This becomes an important issue to be managed. We have a brief look at these issues.Physical settlementPhysical settlement involves the physical delivery of the underlying commodity, typically at an accredited warehouse. The seller intending to make delivery would have to take the commodities to the designated warehouse and the buyer intending to take delivery would have to go to the designated warehouse and pick up the commodity. This may sound simple, but the physical settlement of commodities is a complex process. The issues faced in physical settlement are enormous. There are limits on storage facilities in different states. There are Wholesale Electrical Plug Adapters restrictions on interstate movement of commodities. Besides state level octroi and duties have an impact on the cost of movement of goods across locations. The process of taking physical delivery in commodities is quite different from the process of taking physical delivery in financial assets. We take a general overview at the process flow of physical settlement of commodities. Later on we will look into details of how physical settlement happens on the NCDEX.Delivery notice periodUnlike in the case of equity futures, typically a seller of commodity futures has the option to give notice of delivery. This option is given during a period identified as 'delivery notice period'. Such contracts are then assigned to a buyer, in a manner similar to the assignments to a seller in an options market. However what is interesting and different from a typical options exercise is that in the commodities market, both positions can still be closed out before expiry Hangers Accessories of the contract. The intention of this notice is to allow verification of delivery and to give adequate notice to the buyer of a possible requirement to take delivery. These are required by virtue of the fact that the actual physical settlement of commodities requires preparation from both delivering and receiving members.Typically, in all commodity exchanges, delivery notice is required to be supported by a warehouse receipt. The warehouse receipt is the proof for the quantity and quality of commodities being delivered. Some exchanges have certified laboratories for verifying the quality of goods. In these exchanges the seller has to produce a verification report from these laboratories along with delivery notice. Some exchanges like LIFFE, accept warehouse receipts as quality verification documents while others like BMF-Brazil have independent grading and classification agency to verify the quality.In the case of BMF-Brazil a seller typically has to submit the following documents:A declaration verifying that the asset is free of any and all charges, including fiscal debts related to the Wholesale Chargers Batteries stored goods. A provisional delivery order of the good to BM&F (Brazil), issued by the warehouse. A warehouse certificate showing that storage and regular insurance have been paid.AssignmentWhenever delivery notices are given by the seller, the clearing house of the exchange identifies the buyer to whom this notice may be assigned. Exchanges follow different practices for the assignment process. One approach is to display the delivery notice and allow buyers wishing to take delivery to bid for taking delivery. Among the international exchanges, BMF, CBOT and CME display delivery notices. Alternatively, the clearing houses may assign deliveries to buyers on some basis. Exchanges such as COMMEX and the Indian commodities exchanges have adopted this method.

